Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Color Correction

For this week, we needed to do color corrections on photos. I took some photos on my phone and came up with these:
Original Photos

The first photo is a shot is in my friend's kitchen. The second photo is in between Loser Hall and the Business Building in the evening.

Correction #1

The first photo did not have nice color. The brightness was very high and the image was very dull. I added saturation to the image to bring out the colors. I also used the Levels tool under adjustments to decrease the range of colors to help make the colors more rich. I also corrected the blues and reds using the color balance tool to make them more rich as well. I made a minor adjustment using the vibrance tool to make the image come together. I also added a slight warming filter to the picture to help bring out the color of the cup. Overall, I feel that I revived this picture to my memory. All of the objects in real life were very bright. I was very happy with the way this color correction came out.

Correction #2

For this photo, I noticed that it was very dark. You couldn't see a lot of details in the photo. I first adjusted the contrast in the photo to brighten the shot up. I then some selections and used the curves tool on each of the selections. It helped bring out more of the true colors in the image. With this tool, you can now see the detail in the road, the field in the background, and the bricks of the building. Adjusting the color helped to bring out the sky a little bit more without making it too overpowering. Overall, I enjoyed working on this photo and I think it came out much better than the original shot.

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