Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 2 Compositions

For this assignment, we needed to make 3 compositions. With one, we needed to take 3 abstract photos and put them together. The other 2 were our choice. First, I will post my three photos:

Staircase in Eickhoff Hall

Staircase in Eickhoff Hall - From the Top

Ceiling of the Student Center

All three pictures display different abstract qualities. They all show some kind of collectivity, but they lack an overall pattern. There is an unusual angle involved as well. These pictures, though, lead to my first composition.

Composition #1

In this composition, I based it around the first photo. I took the staircase and then cleared out everything besides them. I left the railing as well as a divider. I then took my other pictures and made them parts of the whole. I used the magic wand tool to make most of the selections. Under the staircase is the ceiling of the student center, under the railing is a restaurant on campus, and above the railing is my 2nd photo. I used the clone stamp to put the photos in. I used the blur tool to smooth out some of the edges. I am very happy with the way this came out. 

Composition #2

This picture started with my friend Colin leaving a restaurant on campus. He was walking into a hallway. I decided to make my friend walk into space. I used the marquee and magic wand tool to select the window in the door and the space around Colin. I then took a picture of space and used the clone stamp to put the picture in. I then used the clone stamp on the door itself. I used the linear dodge (add) option to paint over the door. I wanted the door to look like it would have a reflection (kind of like a shadow) of space. I think it helped to tie the piece together. I also used the blur tool on some of the edges to kind of show a piece or two of the door falling in as well. I was happy with this composition.

Composition #3

Note: I plan on reloading this image, it got a little stretched out in the upload. The original picture was my friend Keith walking up the stairs. I decided to change the background (the floor of the stars) to the beach. I used the magic wand to select the area behind Keith and then used the clone stamp to paint in the beach. Once the beach was in, I decided to make a few more changes. I took the color of the sand with the eyedropper and painted part of it onto the brick wall. I used a lighter opacity to kind of show some light entering the stairway. I also took a light gray with a 10% opacity and painted a shadow for Keith. Overall, I was happy with this piece, but I would like to revisit this in the future.

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