Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 3 Compositions

For this week, we needed to make 2 compositions that try to focus the eye to certain areas. We have to use the idea of thirds and lines.

Composition #1

In this composition, I took an original painting I have been working on and put some cars on it. I wanted it to look like an original hot wheels track. I added a motion blur behind each of the cars to add a direction to the cars. I did this by copying the layer that had each car and then adding a very heavy motion blur to them. I then placed the blur according to the direction I wanted to show the car moving in. I used the blur tool on the end of the car to help add the illusion in. I also used the idea of perspective to show a direction as well. The bottom car is longer than the orange car to show that it is closer to the eye. Overall, I am happy with the way this piece came out and I look forward to working on similar pieces in the future.

Composition #2

For this composition, I started with a picture I took one evening. The sky was a color I had never seen before. I then got the idea to put Zeus into the photo and turn it into a picture of worship. I drew the lines from the bottom corners to the middle point to make sure I had the direction correct. I then made sure to put the main focus in the center of the piece. I then took the silhouette of a man worshiping and clone stamped a crowd into each one. I then added a drop shadow to help outline the figures. Under each figure, I clone stamped in some burning candles to help add to the worshiping idea. I played with the opacity of each image to blend them all together. I am happy with this piece and I look forward to doing a more original version of this piece at another point in time.

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