Saturday, October 8, 2011

Narrative Project

For this assignment, we needed to take a series of photos and essentially tell a story of some kind. There should be some kind of underlying theme to the pictures and why you took them. For this project, I decided to document some of the sights I see walking around the campus during different times of the day. This semester, I've started to notice the variety of patterns of clouds and colors in the sky during different parts of the day. I find myself looking up more than ever before, so I thought it would be good to take different pictures of the sky and use them for the project. I took 6 pictures for the project and put them together for this project.

Original Photos

These six pictures are from all around campus. They are pictures that I have taken over the course of the semester. We have some interesting spots on campus with very distinct colors. I saw a lot of potential in these six photos, so I decided to work with them for my project.

Color Correction

For this photo, I really wanted the sky to be bright and vibrant. I adjusted the exposure and adjusted the brightness/contrast. I also used the color balance adjustment to get the colors to really pop out of this photo. I also made a few minor photo touch-ups to clean up some messy spots in the picture. In the end, the picture came out a lot brighter and back to my original memory.

For this photo, I wanted all of the emphasis to be on a very dramatic sky. I did want to leave part of the parking lot in to add some texture to the photo. I first adjusted the brightness and contrast. I turned the contrast way down and pushed the brightness up slightly. I then used levels to shift the picture to a darker landscape. I then used the curves adjustment on Red, Blue, and Green to bring emphasis to the reds and yellows of the sky. I then used the vibrance adjustment to add some more emphasis on the sky. This picture was a success.

This picture was a little more difficult to work with, but I enjoyed the challenge. I wanted to have a bright sky, but one that was not too overpowering. I raised the brightness and lowered the contrast all the way down to start, bringing out more of the surrounding area. I then used levels to adjust the blue in the shot to bring out more of the reds and yellows. I then adjusted the exposure, hue, and saturation to finally bring out all of the sky around the elements. I was happy with the way this photo came out.

To start this photo, I took out some of the lights and made them blend into the background. I then used the levels to adjust the blue and greens in the photo. I then slightly adjusted the brightness and increased the contrast. I then used the exposure adjustment to dark the image and make the sky more dramatic. I then selected a bright yellow part of the sky and adjusted the tone down so that the color was not as rich and eye-catching. This picture turned out nice.

This was my least favorite picture to work with, but I was up for the challenge. I used the levels tool to lighten the image. I then used the curves tool to darken the entire image. I used the vibrance tool to raise the vibrance and lowered the saturation slightly. I then added a warming photo filter with 50% density to tone down the blues, but enhance the other colors. I then used the color balance to adjust the shadows, midtones, and highlights. Last, I selected the bright yellow section of the sky and used the hue/saturation adjustment to tone it down. Overall, the photo came out better than it was originally, but I am not 100% sold on it.

When I first took this shot, I was amazed at the colors of the sky. The artificial lights brightened up the sky and created colors that I have never seen in the sky. I really liked the original photo, so I was excited to work on this one.  I first adjusted the reds, blues, and greens with the levels adjustment. I then used the curves adjustment to adjust the RGB levels and make the image darker. I used the color balance to adjust the midterms and highlights. I then used the hue/saturation to make the final adjustments and this picture was a huge success. I really like everything about it.

Narrative Project

Overall, I was very happy with the narrative. It shows all of the areas of campus that I usually walk through. It is very visually appealing and thought-provoking. I am going to consider changing the order of the photos, replacing image 5, and trying the orientation of the image. There has been a lot of positive feedback so far, and I look forward to continuing to work on this project.

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