Monday, November 28, 2011

Video 3

For this next project, I decided to make a commercial for the club I am in on campus. The commercial is for Pi Sigma Epsilon's chocolate sale that is going on now. Our first step with the project was to create storyboards. Here they are:

These storyboards outline the shots in the commercial. For this commercial, I decided to essentially have a conversation with myself. I would talk to different panels of me to explain what PSE is selling. Each square demonstrates the type of shot and how it would look. Storyboards really help with the planning process as they let you visualize your work before you go out and shoot it. These storyboards were a big help in filming the commercial.

Here is the final video:

Here are some photos from the video:

I filmed this commercial with the camera on my MacBook Pro and edited the commercial in Final Cut Pro. As you can see, it took a lot of coordination to plan out each head movement and perspective of the shot. I had to make sure that all of the shots lined up correctly and that all of the eye-lines were correct, as demonstrated in my storyboard. As you watch the commercial, you will see the different shots of me and the chocolate fade in and out. This was done utilizing key frames and opacity. I set the opacity to 0 as the shot ended to slowly fade it out. This was a better solution than transitions which can be too intense at times. Overall, I was very happy with the way this video came out at and I look forward to continuing my experiments with time-based media.

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